Lifeboat activity
Lifeboat activity

lifeboat activity

Participants recognize this situation once both groups are brought together. Dead Aid (age 15+) Participants understand the difference between having good intentions and putting them into good practice in the fields of charity and development aid or development cooperation.Participants relate the findings and implications of this activity and the materials provided and created to their home and everyday life. Right to broadband (age 19+) Participants understand a scenario for the impact of the internet by 2020 by exaggerating and parodying it in a creative fashion.To Flee From Home This activity aims to help participants understand the importance of the right to seek asylum, and what it means for those who are forced to leave their home.The roots of the tree should represent the necessary factors in society which help achieve these rights. Human Rights Tree (age 11) Ask all participants to draw a tree: for branches, leaves and flowers they should write the fundamental Human Rights that they believe are necessary in each individual’s life.

lifeboat activity

  • Conflict Consequences Activity (age 11) Participants are to reflect upon how they dealed with conflicts that have affected them recently.
  • Participants are to create leaflets which they would use to bring awareness to the problem of bullying.
  • Bullying activity (age 11) Participants are to work in groups of six and brainstorm the reasons behind bullying in schools.
  • Pass Your Feelings (age 11) In group discussions participants generalize situations which can make people upset, lead to conflict or hostile situations and solutions for their resolution.
  • In groups of 6, the participants (with props if available) are to act out a conflict situation.
  • Making Drama out of Conflict (age 11) Participants are to write down anonymously a conflict experience that they have had.
  • Cookies and Conflicts (age 11) In this activity, participants will have limited resources with which they are going to try to bake some cookies.
  • They should also be able to understand the problem of consumerism and the cycle of goods.

    lifeboat activity

    The Mango Workshop (age 12-15) In this workshop participants reflect upon their own lifestyle, how their community affects them, and how they can have a positive contribution in their community.Through the activity the inequality of natural resources and technology will be illustrated, and the role of the World Band and UN in trade and globalization will be shown. World Trade (age 12-15) The activity aims to introduce the concept of world trade, and the ‘north/south’ challenges connected to this.Rights in play Rights in play, an educational activity for the Village programme which focuses on human rights.Labels (Village activity) Labels, an educational activity for the Village Programme which focuses on human rights and diversity.

    Lifeboat activity